QA output created by 093 touch file chcap on file ls -P on file TESTDIR/093.file [all= CAP_CHOWN+p] append to file as root ls -P on file TESTDIR/093.file [all= CAP_CHOWN+p] cat file ---- data ---- append to file as user without caps cat file ---- data data ---- ls -P on file TESTDIR/093.file [] append to file as user without caps a 2nd time ls -P on file TESTDIR/093.file [] cat file ---- data data data ---- only let root write to file as non-root try to append to file .append[2]: file: cannot create: Permission denied restore perms on file set a root EA on file Attribute "test" set to a 7 byte value for file: testval list EA on file Attribute "test" has a 7 byte value for file as non-root try to append to file list EA on file Attribute "test" has a 7 byte value for file as non-root call writemod open for write "file" with 777 remove perms on file write to the file cat file ---- hi there data data ----