#! /bin/sh # FS QA Test No. 114 # # Test out xfs_repair_ipaths # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2005 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement # or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or # otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with # other software, or any other product whatsoever. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, # Mountain View, CA 94043, or: # # http://www.sgi.com # # For further information regarding this notice, see: # # http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/SGIGPLNoticeExplan/ #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # creator owner=tes@crackle.melbourne.sgi.com seq=`basename $0` echo "QA output created by $seq" here=`pwd` tmp=/tmp/$$ status=1 # failure is the default! trap "_cleanup; exit \$status" 0 1 2 3 15 _cleanup() { cd / rm -f $tmp.* } # Example output: # # ~/attr -Fl a/b/c/d/foo # Attribute "0000000000180080 0000000000000001" has a 3 byte value for a/b/c/d/foo # # ~/attr -Fg "0000000000180080 0000000000000001" a/b/c/d/foo # Attribute "0000000000180080 0000000000000001" had a 3 byte value for a/b/c/d/foo: # foo # # ~/attr -Pg "0000000000180080 0000000000000001" a/b/c/d/foo # Attribute "0000000000180080 0000000000000001" had a 12 byte value for a/b/c/d/foo: # /a/b/c/d/foo # # # filter out inode numbers to ordinal numbers # (assumes they come in order) # _filter_inodes() { find $SCRATCH_MNT -exec stat -iq {} \; >$tmp.inodes sed -e 's/[()]//g' \ -e 's/Attribute "[0-9][0-9]*/Attribute "INODE/' \ | nawk -v inodefile=$tmp.inodes ' BEGIN { i=0 while (getline < inodefile > 0) { i++ inodemap[$1] = i } } /inode:/ { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) { nextone = i+1 if ($i == "inode:") { $nextone = inodemap[$nextone] } printf "%s ", $i } printf "\n" next } { print } ' } _filter() { sed -e 's/inode: \([0-9][0-9]*\)/inode: N/g' \ -e 's/Attribute "[0-9][0-9]*/Attribute "INODE/' } # get standard environment, filters and checks . ./common.rc . ./common.filter _supported_fs xfs _supported_os IRIX _require_scratch rm -f $here/$seq.full echo "mkfs" _scratch_mkfs_xfs >>$here/$seq.full 2>&1 \ || _fail "mkfs scratch failed" export MKFS_OPTIONS="$MKFS_OPTIONS -i paths=1" _scratch_mkfs_xfs >>$here/$seq.full 2>&1 \ || _notrun "i_paths not supported" echo "mount" _scratch_mount >>$here/$seq.full 2>&1 \ || _fail "mount failed: $MOUNT_OPTIONS" # real QA test starts here verbose=false echo "" echo "--- create some files and directories to work on ---" echo "" cd $SCRATCH_MNT d=dir2/dir3/dir4 mkdir -p $d touch file1 touch dir2/file2 touch dir2/dir3/file3 touch $d/file4 touch $d/file5 touch $d/file6 touch $d/file7 touch $d/file8 touch $d/file9 _do_test() { echo "" echo "--- check all is ok before we start ---" echo "" xfs_check_ipaths $SCRATCH_MNT xfs_repair_ipaths -n $SCRATCH_MNT echo "" echo "--- now break some stuff ---" echo "" cnt=1 echo "" echo "1. remove the EA" echo "" attr -Fl dir2/file2 stat_ino=`stat -iq dir2` attrname=`printf "%.16x %.16x" $stat_ino $cnt` #echo "attrname = $attrname" attr -Fr "$attrname" dir2/file2 attr -Fl dir2/file2 echo "" echo "2. change the EA name" echo "" attr -Fl dir2/dir3/file3 stat_ino=100 attrname=`printf "%.16x %.16x" $stat_ino $cnt` attrvalue=file3 attr -Fs "$attrname" -V $attrvalue dir2/dir3/file3 attr -Fl dir2/dir3/file3 echo "" echo "3. change the EA value" echo "" attr -Fl $d/file4 stat_ino=`stat -iq $d` attrname=`printf "%.16x %.16x" $stat_ino $cnt` attrvalue=woopdydoo attr -Fs "$attrname" -V "$attrvalue" $d/file4 attr -Fl $d/file4 attr -Fg "$attrname" $d/file4 echo "" echo "4. add an extra EA - diff name, same value" echo "" attr -Fl $d/file5 stat_ino=100 attrname=`printf "%.16x %.16x" $stat_ino $cnt` attrvalue=file5 attr -Fs "$attrname" -V $attrvalue $d/file5 attr -Fl $d/file5 attr -Fg "$attrname" $d/file5 echo "" echo "5. add an extra EA - diff name, diff value" echo "" attr -Fl $d/file6 stat_ino=100 attrname=`printf "%.16x %.16x" $stat_ino $cnt` attrvalue=file600 attr -Fs "$attrname" -V $attrvalue $d/file6 attr -Fl $d/file6 attr -Fg "$attrname" $d/file6 echo "" echo "6. give bad fmt'ed EA name and get rid of existing name" echo "" attrname=woof attrvalue=file7 attr -Fs "$attrname" -V $attrvalue $d/file7 # remove old attrname cnt=1 stat_ino=`stat -iq $d` attrname=`printf "%.16x %.16x" $stat_ino $cnt` attr -Fr "$attrname" $d/file7 echo "" echo "--- now check it ---" echo "" echo "" echo "xfs_check_ipaths" echo "" xfs_check_ipaths $SCRATCH_MNT echo "" echo "xfs_repair_ipaths" echo "" xfs_repair_ipaths -n $SCRATCH_MNT echo "" echo "--- now repair it ---" echo "" echo "" echo "xfs_repair_ipaths" echo "" xfs_repair_ipaths $SCRATCH_MNT echo "" echo "--- now check it again ---" echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "xfs_check_ipaths" echo "" xfs_check_ipaths $SCRATCH_MNT echo "" echo "xfs_repair_ipaths" echo "" xfs_repair_ipaths -n $SCRATCH_MNT } _do_test 2>&1 | tee $seq.full | _filter_inodes # success, all done status=0 exit