Configuration file with sections ================================ Configuration file with sections is useful for running xfstests on multiple file systems, or multiple file system setups in a single run without any help of external scripts. Syntax ------ Syntax for defining a section is the following: [section_name] Section name should consist of alphanumeric characters and '_'. Anything else is forbidden and the section will not be recognised. Each section in the configuration file should contain options in the format OPTION=value 'OPTION' must not contain any white space characters. 'value' can contain any character you want with one simple limitation - characters ' and " can only appear at the start and end of the 'value', however it is not required. Note that options are carried between sections so the same options does not have to be specified in each and every sections. However caution should be exercised not to leave unwanted options set from previous sections. Results ------- For every section xfstests will run with specified options and will produce separate results in the '$RESULT_BASE/$section_name' directory. Different mount options ----------------------- Specifying different mount options in difference config sections is allowed. When MOUNT_OPTIONS differs in the following section TEST_DEV will be remounted with new MOUNT_OPTIONS automatically before running the test. Multiple file systems --------------------- Having different file systems in different config sections is allowed. When FSTYP differs in the following section the FSTYP file system will be created automatically before running the test. Note that if MOUNT_OPTIONS, MKFS_OPTIONS, or FSCK_OPTIONS are not directly specified in the section it will be reset to the default for a given file system. You can also force the file system recreation by specifying RECREATE_TEST_DEV. Example ------- Here is an example of config file with sections: [ext4_4k_block_size] TEST_DEV=/dev/sda TEST_DIR=/mnt/test SCRATCH_DEV=/dev/sdb SCRATCH_MNT=/mnt/test1 MKFS_OPTIONS="-q -F -b4096" FSTYP=ext4 RESULT_BASE="`pwd`/results/`date +%d%m%y_%H%M%S`" [ext4_1k_block_size] MKFS_OPTIONS="-q -F -b1024" [ext4_nojournal] MKFS_OPTIONS="-q -F -b4096 -O ^has_journal" [xfs_filesystem] MKFS_OPTIONS="-f" FSTYP=xfs [ext3_filesystem] FSTYP=ext3 MOUNT_OPTIONS="-o noatime"