##/bin/sh # # Functions useful for quota tests # # Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement # or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or # otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with # other software, or any other product whatsoever. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, # Mountain View, CA 94043, or: # # http://www.sgi.com # # For further information regarding this notice, see: # # http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/SGIGPLNoticeExplan/ # # # checks that the XFS quota support in the kernel is enabled # and that we have valid quota user tools installed. # _require_quota() { src/feature -q $TEST_DEV [ $? -ne 0 ] && _notrun "Installed kernel does not support XFS quota" [ -x /usr/etc/quotaon -o -x /sbin/quotaon -o -x /usr/sbin/quotaon ] || \ _notrun "Quota user tools not installed" } # create a file as a specific user (uid) # takes filename, id, type (u/g), blocksize, blockcount # _file_as_id() { [ $# != 5 ] && _notrun "broken call to _file_as_id in test $seq" if [ $3 = u ] then magik='$>' # perlspeak for effective uid elif [ $3 = g ] then magik='$)' # perlspeak for effective gid else _notrun "broken type in call to _file_as_id in test $seq" fi perl <>$seq.full 2>&1 \$| = 1; $magik = $2; if ($5 == 0) { print "touch $1"; exec "touch $1"; } else { print "dd if=/dev/zero of=$1 bs=$4 count=$5"; exec "dd if=/dev/zero of=$1 bs=$4 count=$5"; } EOF # for debugging the above euid change, try... [need write in cwd] # exec "dd if=/dev/zero of=$1 bs=$4 count=$5 >>$seq.full 2>&1"; } _choose_uid() { perl -ne '@a = split(/:/); END { printf "id=%d name=%s\n", $a[2],$a[0] }' \ /etc/passwd } _choose_gid() { perl -ne '@a = split(/:/); END { printf "id=%d name=%s\n", $a[2],$a[0] }' \ /etc/group } # # filter to get the guts out # and make linux and irix similar # _filter_repquota() { tee -a $seq.full | $AWK_PROG ' /File limits/ { gotit = 1 } gotit==1 { sub(/Disk/, "Block") gsub(/timeleft/, "grace") gsub(/[.]0 /,"") sub(/- /, "* ") sub(/[+] /, "* ") gsub(/1week/,"7days") gsub(/NOT STARTED/,"") gsub(/[ \t]+/, " ") if ($0 ~ / [-+]/) $1 = "name" if ($0 !~ /^$/) print next } ' | sed -e '/-----------------/d' } _qmount() { umount $SCRATCH_DEV >/dev/null 2>&1 _scratch_mount || _fail "qmount failed" chmod ugo+rwx $SCRATCH_MNT [ -x /usr/sbin/quot ] && quot $SCRATCH_MNT >>$seq.full 2>&1 } _qsetup() { # setup exactly what it is we'll be testing enforce=1 if src/feature -u $SCRATCH_DEV then type=u ; eval `_choose_uid`; ln -s $seq.usrquota $seq.out elif src/feature -g $SCRATCH_DEV then type=g ; eval `_choose_gid`; ln -s $seq.grpquota $seq.out elif src/feature -U $SCRATCH_DEV then type=u ; eval `_choose_uid`; ln -s $seq.uqnoenforce $seq.out enforce=0 elif src/feature -G $SCRATCH_DEV then type=g ; eval `_choose_gid`; ln -s $seq.gqnoenforce $seq.out enforce=0 else _notrun "No quota support at mount time" fi echo "Using output from '" `ls -l $seq.out` "'" >>$seq.full echo "and using type=$type id=$id" >>$seq.full } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # wrappers for Linux/IRIX differences # _setquota() { _opt_type=$1 _id=$2 _bsoft=$3 _bhard=$4 _isoft=$5 _ihard=$6 _fs=$7 [ $# -eq 7 ] || _fail "_setquota failed with wrong # args: $*" if [ $HOSTOS = "Linux" ]; then echo "setquota $_opt_type $_id $_bsoft $_bhard $_isoft $_ihard $_fs" >>$seq.full setquota $_opt_type $_id $_bsoft $_bhard $_isoft $_ihard $_fs else # IRIX if [ $_opt_type = "-u" ]; then _opt_type="" id_param="uid" else id_param="gid" fi echo "/usr/etc/edquota $_opt_type -f $_fs -l $id_param=$_id,bsoft=$_bsoft,bhard=$_bhard,isoft=$_isoft,ihard=$_ihard" >>$seq.full /usr/etc/edquota $_opt_type -f $_fs -l $id_param=$_id,bsoft=$_bsoft,bhard=$_bhard,isoft=$_isoft,ihard=$_ihard fi } _quota() { echo "quota $*" >>$seq.full if [ $HOSTOS = "Linux" ]; then quota $* else # clear -u args=`echo $*|sed -e 's/-u//'` quota -v $args fi } _repquota() { echo "repquota $*" >>$seq.full if [ $HOSTOS = "Linux" ]; then repquota $* else # clear -u args=`echo $*|sed -e 's/-u//'` repquota -v $args fi } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # make sure this script returns success /bin/true