##/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # # standard filters # # Checks that given_value is in range of correct_value +/- tolerance. # Tolerance can be an absolute value or a percentage of the correct value # (see examples with tolerances below). # Outputs suitable message to stdout if it's not in range. # # A verbose option, -v, may be used as the LAST argument # # e.g. # foo: 0.0298 = 0.03 +/- 5% # _within_tolerance "foo" 0.0298 0.03 5% # # foo: 0.0298 = 0.03 +/- 0.01 # _within_tolerance "foo" 0.0298 0.03 0.01 # # foo: 0.0298 = 0.03 -0.01 +0.002 # _within_tolerance "foo" 0.0298 0.03 0.01 0.002 # # foo: verbose output of 0.0298 = 0.03 +/- 5% # _within_tolerance "foo" 0.0298 0.03 5% -v _within_tolerance() { _name=$1 _given_val=$2 _correct_val=$3 _mintol=$4 _maxtol=$_mintol _verbose=0 _debug=false # maxtol arg is optional # verbose arg is optional if [ $# -ge 5 ] then if [ "$5" = "-v" ] then _verbose=1 else _maxtol=$5 fi fi if [ $# -ge 6 ] then [ "$6" = "-v" ] && _verbose=1 fi # find min with or without % _mintolerance=`echo $_mintol | sed -e 's/%//'` if [ $_mintol = $_mintolerance ] then _min=`echo "scale=5; $_correct_val-$_mintolerance" | bc` else _min=`echo "scale=5; $_correct_val-$_mintolerance*0.01*$_correct_val" | bc` fi # find max with or without % _maxtolerance=`echo $_maxtol | sed -e 's/%//'` if [ $_maxtol = $_maxtolerance ] then _max=`echo "scale=5; $_correct_val+$_maxtolerance" | bc` else _max=`echo "scale=5; $_correct_val+$_maxtolerance*0.01*$_correct_val" | bc` fi $_debug && echo "min = $_min" $_debug && echo "max = $_max" cat <$tmp.bc.1 scale=5; if ($_min <= $_given_val) 1; if ($_min > $_given_val) 0; EOF cat <$tmp.bc.2 scale=5; if ($_given_val <= $_max) 1; if ($_given_val > $_max) 0; EOF _above_min=`bc <$tmp.bc.1` _below_max=`bc <$tmp.bc.2` rm -f $tmp.bc.[12] _in_range=`expr $_above_min \& $_below_max` # fix up min, max precision for output # can vary for 5.3, 6.2 # remove any trailing zeroes from min, max if they have fractional parts _min=`echo $_min | sed -e '/\./s/0*$//' -e 's/\.$//'` _max=`echo $_max | sed -e '/\./s/0*$//' -e 's/\.$//'` if [ $_in_range -eq 1 ] then [ $_verbose -eq 1 ] && echo $_name is in range return 0 else [ $_verbose -eq 1 ] && echo $_name has value of $_given_val [ $_verbose -eq 1 ] && echo $_name is NOT in range $_min .. $_max return 1 fi } # ctime(3) dates # _filter_date() { sed \ -e 's/[A-Z][a-z][a-z] [A-z][a-z][a-z] *[0-9][0-9]* [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/DATE/' } # prints filtered output on stdout, values (use eval) on stderr # Non XFS filesystems always return a 4k block size and a 256 byte inode. _filter_mkfs() { case $FSTYP in xfs) ;; *) cat - >/dev/null perl -e 'print STDERR "dbsize=4096\nisize=256\n"' return ;; esac echo "_fs_has_crcs=0" >&2 set - perl -ne ' if (/^meta-data=([\w,|\/.-]+)\s+isize=(\d+)\s+agcount=(\d+), agsize=(\d+) blks/) { print STDERR "ddev=$1\nisize=$2\nagcount=$3\nagsize=$4\n"; print STDOUT "meta-data=DDEV isize=XXX agcount=N, agsize=XXX blks\n"; } if (/^\s+=\s+sectsz=(\d+)\s+attr=(\d+)/) { print STDERR "sectsz=$1\nattr=$2\n"; } if (/^\s+=\s+crc=(\d)/) { print STDERR "_fs_has_crcs=$1\n"; } if (/^data\s+=\s+bsize=(\d+)\s+blocks=(\d+), imaxpct=(\d+)/) { print STDERR "dbsize=$1\ndblocks=$2\nimaxpct=$3\n"; print STDOUT "data = bsize=XXX blocks=XXX, imaxpct=PCT\n"; } if (/^\s+=\s+sunit=(\d+)\s+swidth=(\d+) blks/) { print STDERR "sunit=$1\nswidth=$2\nunwritten=1\n"; print STDOUT " = sunit=XXX swidth=XXX, unwritten=X\n"; } if (/^naming\s+=version\s+(\d+)\s+bsize=(\d+)/) { print STDERR "dirversion=$1\ndirbsize=$2\n"; print STDOUT "naming =VERN bsize=XXX\n"; } if (/^log\s+=(internal log|[\w|\/.-]+)\s+bsize=(\d+)\s+blocks=(\d+),\s+version=(\d+)/ || /^log\s+=(internal log|[\w|\/.-]+)\s+bsize=(\d+)\s+blocks=(\d+)/) { print STDERR "ldev=\"$1\"\nlbsize=$2\nlblocks=$3\nlversion=$4\n"; print STDOUT "log =LDEV bsize=XXX blocks=XXX\n"; } if (/^\s+=\s+sectsz=(\d+)\s+sunit=(\d+) blks/) { print STDERR "logsectsz=$1\nlogsunit=$2\n\n"; } if (/^realtime\s+=([\w|\/.-]+)\s+extsz=(\d+)\s+blocks=(\d+), rtextents=(\d+)/) { print STDERR "rtdev=$1\nrtextsz=$2\nrtblocks=$3\nrtextents=$4\n"; print STDOUT "realtime =RDEV extsz=XXX blocks=XXX, rtextents=XXX\n"; }' } # prints the bits we care about in growfs # _filter_growfs() { perl -ne ' if (/^data\s+=\s+bsize=(\d+)\s+blocks=(\d+), imaxpct=(\d+)/) { print "xfs_growfs --BlockSize=$1 --Blocks=$2\n"; } elsif (/^data/) { print; }' } _filter_dd() { $AWK_PROG ' /records in/ { next } /records out/ { next } /No space left on device/ { print " !!! disk full (expected)" next } { print " *** " $0 } ' } common_line_filter() { perl -ne 'if (/.*:(.*)/) { if ( "$last_line" ne "$1" ) { print "$_"; $first_match=1; } elsif ( $first_match==1 ) { print "*\n"; $first_match=0; } $last_line="$1"; } else { print $_; $last_line=$_; }' } _filter_xfs_io() { sed -e "s/[0-9/.]* [GMKiBbytes]*, [0-9]* ops\; [0-9/:. sec]* ([inf0-9/.]* [EPGMKiBbytes]*\/sec and [inf0-9/.]* ops\/sec)/XXX Bytes, X ops\; XX:XX:XX.X (XXX YYY\/sec and XXX ops\/sec)/" } _filter_xfs_io_unique() { common_line_filter | _filter_xfs_io } _filter_test_dir() { sed -e "s,$TEST_DEV,TEST_DEV,g" -e "s,$TEST_DIR,TEST_DIR,g" } _filter_scratch() { sed -e "s,$SCRATCH_DEV,SCRATCH_DEV,g" \ -e "s,$SCRATCH_MNT,SCRATCH_MNT,g" \ -e "/.use_space/d" } # Turn any device in the scratch pool into SCRATCH_DEV _filter_scratch_pool() { FILTER_STRINGS=`echo $SCRATCH_DEV_POOL | sed -e 's/\s\+/\\\|/g'` sed -e "s,$FILTER_STRINGS,SCRATCH_DEV,g" } _filter_spaces() { sed -e 's/ [ ]*/ /g' } _filter_quota() { # Long dev name might be split onto its own line; last # seds remove that newline if present _filter_scratch | _filter_test_dir | _filter_spaces | \ sed -e 'N;s/SCRATCH_DEV\n/SCRATCH_DEV/g' | \ sed -e 'N;s/TEST_DEV\n/TEST_DEV/g' } # Account for different "ln" failure messages _filter_ln() { sed -e "s,\(creating symbolic link .*\) to .*: ,\1: ," \ -e "s,failed to create,creating," } # If given an arg, filter *that* UUID string # Otherwise look for something that looks like a generic UUID _filter_uuid() { if [ ! -z $1 ]; then UUID=$1 sed -e "s/\(uuid[ :=]\+\) $UUID/\1 /i" else sed -e "s/\(uuid[ :=]\+\) *[0-9a-f-][0-9a-f-]*/\1 /ig" fi } # In mixed group the added disks may have zero used size _filter_zero_size() { sed -e "s/0\.00//g" } # Filter out sizes like 6.14MB etc _filter_size() { sed -e "s/[0-9\.]\+\s\?[b|k|m|g|t][i]\?[b]\?//ig" } # Convert string read from stdin like 128K to bytes and print it to stdout _filter_size_to_bytes() { read size suffix=${size:${#size}-1} mul=1 case $suffix in k|K) mul=1024 ;; m|M) mul=$((1024*1024)) ;; g|G) mul=$((1024*1024*1024)) ;; t|T) mul=$((1024*1024*1024*1024)) ;; esac echo $((${size:0:${#size}-1}*$mul)) } # Print trimmed bytes of fstrim # Starting from util-linux v2.23 fstrim usees human readable sizes in # verbose output _filter_fstrim() { egrep -o "[0-9]+ bytes" | $AWK_PROG '{print $1}' } # Older mount output referred to "block device" when mounting RO devices # It's gone in newer versions _filter_ro_mount() { sed -e "s/mount: block device/mount:/g" \ -e "s/mount: cannot mount block device/mount: cannot mount/g" } # make sure this script returns success /bin/true