# # QA groups control file # Defines test groups and nominal group owners # - do not start group names with a digit # - comment line before each group is "new" description # # catch-all other fsg@melbourne.sgi.com # read/write integrity rw dxm@sgi.com # directory operations, e.g. create/unlink dir dxm@sgi.com # metadata and inodes in particular metadata dxm@sgi.com # xfs_db db nathans@sgi.com dxm@sgi.com # xfs_attr attr dxm@sgi.com # xfs_logprint logprint dxm@sgi.com # xfsdump, xfsrestore, xfsinvutil, xfs_copy xfsdump tes@sgi.com ivanr@sgi.com # xfs_growfs growfs ajag@sgi.com # fsr.xfs fsr ajag@sgi.com # mkfs.xfs mkfs nathans@sgi.com # xfs_repair repair nathans@sgi.com # quota tools and XFS quota kernel code (XQM) quota nathans@sgi.com # auto - tests to be run as part of nightly qa auto dxm@sgi.com # test-group association ... one line per test # 001 rw dir auto 002 metadata auto 003 db auto 004 db auto 005 dir auto 006 dir auto 007 dir auto 008 rw auto 009 rw auto 010 other auto 011 dir auto 012 rw auto 013 other auto 014 rw auto 015 other auto 016 rw auto 017 other auto 018 logprint auto 019 mkfs auto 020 metadata attr auto 021 db attr auto 022 xfsdump auto 023 xfsdump auto 024 xfsdump auto 025 xfsdump auto 026 xfsdump auto 027 xfsdump auto 028 xfsdump auto 029 mkfs logprint auto 030 repair auto 031 repair mkfs auto 032 mkfs auto 033 repair auto 034 other auto 035 xfsdump auto 036 xfsdump auto 037 xfsdump auto 038 xfsdump auto 039 xfsdump auto 040 other auto 041 growfs auto 042 fsr auto 043 xfsdump auto 044 other auto 045 other auto 046 xfsdump auto 047 xfsdump auto 048 other auto 049 rw auto 050 quota auto 051 acl auto 052 quota db